The Ersatz Elevator by Lemony Snicket

The Ersatz Elevator by Lemony Snicket My rating: 5 of 5 stars Finally, we’re getting somewhere. Of course, that’s what I thought as I read this book. We left book 5 with some valuable information that there’s more to the mystery of Count Olaf and we need to find out what V.F.D. stands for. It…

Parenting by Paul David Tripp

Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family by Paul David Tripp My rating: 5 of 5 stars “Your job is to do everything within your power, as an instrument in the hands of the Redeemer who has employed you, to woo, encourage, call, and train your children to willingly and joyfully live…

The Austere Academy by Lemony Snicket

The Austere Academy by Lemony Snicket My rating: 4 of 5 stars Now the series is taking it up a notch… I’ve never read this far in the series and I haven’t read any spoilers. So let me tell you, I was excited to finally read that someone did some research on Count Olaf and…

Dad is Fat by Jim Gaffigan

Dad Is Fat by Jim Gaffigan My rating: 4 of 5 stars “So parents who want to be considered cool, give it up. Even if you put your three-year-old in a fedora, we all know you are still getting barfed on and wiping noses and butts like the rest of us. No matter how cool…

Book to Screen Review: Thirteen Reasons Why

We are all bullied. And we are all bullies. It’s kind of the fact of high school (or let’s face it–life). Everyone knows this, yet we all choose to ignore it. Another inconvenient truth. After finishing rereading and watching the new Netflix series, Th1rteen R3asons Why, I feel sad. I want the world to change. More importantly, I…

Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher My rating: 4 of 5 stars Everything affects everything. This is the second time I’ve read this book. The first time I read it, I was in high school. I was the same age as the main character, and so I thought it’d be something relevant for me to…

The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket

The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket My rating: 4 of 5 stars Another sad tale for the Baudelaire orphans, but also another reminder of how lucky they truly are. Although they cannot seem to run too far from their arch nemesis, Count Olaf, they find yet another way to expose his evil plans (just before…

Currently Reading: The Zookeeper’s Wife

I decided to diverge from my list of TBR a little bit when I went to the library to pick up a book on hold and I saw The Zookeeper’s Wife sitting on the shelf. I thought, “Just my luck! I just marked this to read on Goodreads!” But of course, it was on a special…

New Blog

My husband and I decided to start our own family blog where we would post updates on our lives, thoughts, home projects, book reviews, etc. From now on, my book reviews can be found there, so please visit it and follow!