The Slippery Slope by Lemony Snicket

The Slippery Slope (A Series of Unfortunate Events, #10)The Slippery Slope by Lemony Snicket

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The story of the Baudelaire’s continues to look more and more grim as the two eldest siblings are separated from their baby sister. They are alone and stranded on a mountainside, unsure of where to go and who they can turn to for help. For three very unlucky children, however, they find glimpses of luck just when they need it. An unexpected friend appears and opportunities are taken to learn more of the mysteries that surround them. Where they must go next is an even greater mystery!

This story has definitely taken a turn in setting and plot as the Baudelaire children have found themselves more alone than ever, separated, and without any direction on where they must go next to solve this mystery. Their improvisation and cleverness are put to the test, once again, and they learn some new answers, as well. Can’t wait for the next one!

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