July Reading Update

July was crazy. I barely got to read because a lot of stuff got in the way–relationships, parenthood, Whole30, basically just life. And not getting to read really didn’t help much. Reading takes away so much anxiety and helps me with things such as loneliness and feelings of inadequacy (feelings that often come hand-in-hand with being a stay-at-home mom). But I did accomplish a few goals:

So I’ve since taken a break in both Every Good Endeavor and Perelandra because I had a few library books that took precedence. I really hate late fees.

finally finished The Zookeeper’s Wife, which was fantastic (read my review here). I had been waiting a while to get it back from the library, so I tried to read that the most. I also finished The Hostile Hospital, so now I’m on to Book the Ninth, The Carnivorous Carnival, which is taking some unexpected turns. I can’t believe I still have 4 more books left in the series after this. Luckily they only take a few days to read for me.

I will get back on the Keller and Lewis books, and hopefully I will get my Reading Plan #4 published sometime this month. I hope to finish my first list and most of the other two, as well.

With that being said, are there any book recommendations you have for me? I really want to read a few newly published books this year. I feel like I have mostly been reading older books, so I want to diversify that. Leave your recommendations in the comments below!

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